What makes this the Most-Effective “Sound Healing” Flute I've ever made?
(And does it really work?)
(And does it really work?)
(And does it really work?)

Have you heard the story of Orpheus, the famous musician from Ancient Greece?
In the myth, Orpheus’ wife, Eurydice, suffers a fatal viper bite and is sent down into the underworld...
Orpheus travels down after her to try and use his soothing music to win over Hades himself.
After hearing his beautiful songs, the typically hard-hearted Hades agrees to release Eurydice, allowing them to travel back to the world of the living…
Have you heard the story of Orpheus, the famous musician from Ancient Greece?
In the myth, Orpheus’ wife, Eurydice, suffers a fatal viper bite and is sent down into the underworld...
Orpheus travels down after her and uses his soothing music to win over Hades himself.
After hearing his soothing music, the typically hard-hearted Hades agrees to release Eurydice, allowing them to travel back to the world of the living…

So what does this have to do with Sound Healing or the Copper Flute?
It’s no secret there’s wisdom to be found in these ancient stories, though some is found between the lines.
When we see Orpheus taming Gods, beasts, and even rocks and trees with his beautiful music…
Some might read this as hidden proof of the magic music is capable of…
And while I won’t necessarily disagree, I don’t think we need to veer that far into the unknown to recognize the very real “healing” impact certain music can have on us.
When Orpheus plays his music for Hades, we see a similar “transition” in him as we see in ourselves when certain relaxing tones are played.
Here’s why…
It’s no secret there’s wisdom to be found in these ancient stories, though some is found between the lines.
When we see Orpheus taming Gods, beasts, and even rocks and trees with his beautiful music…
Some might read this as hidden proof of the magic music is capable of…
And while I won’t necessarily disagree, I don’t think we need to veer that far into the unknown to recognize the very real “healing” impact certain music can have on us.
When Orpheus plays his music for Hades, we see a similar “transition” in him as we see in ourselves when certain relaxing tones are played.
Here’s why…

As humans, we have two main “operating systems” that can be in control of our bodies.
There’s the “rest and digest and reflect” state, run by the parasympathetic nervous system. This is when we feel calm, safe, and in control.
This is when our bodies give our brains enough time and energy to think through the bigger picture and reflect on our lives.
Then there’s the “fight or flight” state, run by the sympathetic nervous system.
This is what’s activated when your body thinks you're under intense stress. The problem is, our modern lives find us constantly under some kind of intense stress or another, often many that change day to day.
This keeps us in that “fight or flight” mode more and more. And here’s the problem…
There’s the “rest and digest and reflect” state, run by the sympathetic nervous system. This is when we feel calm, safe, and in control.
This is when our bodies give our brains enough time and energy to think through the bigger picture and reflect on our lives.
Then there’s the “fight or flight” state, run by the parasympathetic nervous system.
This is what’s activated when your body thinks you're under intense stress. The problem is, our modern lives find us constantly under some kind of intense stress or another, often many that change day to day.
This keeps us in that “fight or flight” mode more and more. And here’s the problem
When you are in “fight or flight”, your body is focused on one thing: getting you out of the unsafe situation…
So your cortisol (stress hormone) increases, and it starts to reserve resources that would go to other things (good digestion, clear thinking) for your muscles to run out of there…
That’s one of the reasons so many people suffer from digestive issues. Other stressors in their lives keep their bodies from allocating proper resources to their digestion.

And it’s also a part of why so many people deal with brain fog, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It isn’t that their bodies aren’t capable of feeling better, it's just that their bodies THINK they are doing what’s best…
And in the process, YOU end up feeling worse.
I experienced the same thing so much more before I started playing the flute.
I’d wake up feeling like I was already stressed out. And at night, I wasn’t able to mentally unload and fall asleep at a reasonable hour, tossing and turning, lost in thought.
And even when things were good, I was still on edge, waiting for something to go wrong instead of giving thanks for what was going right.
I was stuck in “fight or flight” mode and my sympathetic nervous system was in the driver's seat more often than not.
It’s also a part of why so many people deal with brain fog, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It isn’t that their bodies aren’t capable of feeling better, it's just that their bodies THINK they are doing what’s best…
And in the process, YOU end up feeling worse.
I experienced the same thing so much more before I started playing the flute.
I’d wake up feeling like I was already stressed out. And at night, I wasn’t able to mentally unload and fall asleep at a reasonable hour, tossing and turning, lost in thought.
And even when things were good, I was still on edge, waiting for something to go wrong instead of giving thanks for what was going right.
I was stuck in “fight or flight” mode and my parasympathetic nervous system was in the driver's seat more often than not.

When I found the flute, it was the first thing in years that seemed to snap me back out of it.
It’s the same thing we see in the ancient knowledge passed down through the myth of Orpheus…
When he plays his beautiful music, it calms the beast, that primal part of you that wants to fight or run away, that isn’t thinking clearly, that is reactive and easily irritated…
And instead, the part of you that more-closely reflects the “divine” is able to shine through. Compassionate, reflective, understanding and considerate.
And while I loved the way the flute seemed to have this magical ability to move me out of the "fight or flight" mode…
It’s the same thing we see in the ancient knowledge passed down through the myth of Orpheus…
When he plays his beautiful music, it calms the beast, that primal part of you that wants to fight or run away, that isn’t thinking clearly, that is reactive and easily irritated…
And instead, the part of you that more-closely reflects the “divine” is able to shine through. Compassionate, reflective, understanding and considerate.
And while I loved the way the flute seemed to have this magical ability to move me out of the "fight or flight" mode…
It wasn’t until I played a BIG, deep flute that I felt I was truly tapping into the full power of this connection.

In fact, what actually got me into building my own flute in the first place was the desire to have a deep bass flute of my own.
That’s because, from the first time I heard a deep flute, I intuitively felt what I am willing to bet you have felt as well…
That there is something very special and unique about these deep tones. Something that resonates on the soul level, and allows us to connect with ourselves in a deeper way…
Seeing it through the scientific lens, it truly seems that playing these deep flutes moves me into the sympathetic “rest and reflect” mode faster than anything else I’ve experienced…
In fact, what actually got me into building my own flute in the first place was the desire to have a deep bass flute of my own.
That’s because, from the first time I heard a deep flute, I intuitively felt what I am willing to bet you have felt as well…
That there is something very special and unique about these deep tones. Something that resonates on the soul level, and allows us to connect with ourselves in a deeper way…
Seeing it through the scientific lens, it truly seems that playing these deep flutes moves me into the sympathetic “rest and reflect” mode faster than anything else I’ve experienced…
The first deep flutes I built were a good start, but they had some serious issues.
First, they were huge, taking up two stands. And the finger holes were so far apart, I could barely reach them even though I have fairly large hands.
In addition, even though they were deep in pitch, they were still very quiet in volume.
I had planned to address these issues, but as I continued my explorations with the Low C Copper Flute, I set the project aside.
And yet, as the months went on, whenever I found myself defaulting to the “fight or flight” mode…
And wanted to connect with my own calm, “rest, digest and reflect” energy…
I would always come back to these deep, large flutes.
There was something about those deep tones that felt so powerful and relaxing, it drew me back again and again…
First, they were huge, taking up two stands. And the finger holes were so far apart, I could barely reach them even though I have fairly large hands.
In addition, even though they were deep in pitch, they were still very quiet in volume.
I had planned to address these issues, but as I continued my explorations with the Low C Copper Flute, I set the project aside.
And yet, as the months went on, whenever I found myself defaulting to the “fight or flight” mode…
And wanted to connect with my own calm, “rest, digest and reflect” energy…
I would always come back to these deep, large flutes.
There was something about those deep tones that felt so powerful and relaxing, it drew me back again and again…

When I first shared a video playing one of these deep flutes, the response was immediate.
I've received nice comments on many of my videos (and a few, shall we say, 'interesting’’ comments as well)...
But the comments about this deeper flute were different. People talked about crying, about releasing emotions, about feeling deeply at peace…
When these people listened to these deep, low, droning tones, just like me, they were connecting with that sympathetic, rest and reflect energy.
And the more you let that “rest and reflect” ‘operating system’ run the show, the more time you have to really, deeply consider your life, your calling, your gratitude for the blessings in your life…
I've received nice comments on many of my videos (and a few, shall we say, 'interesting’’ comments as well)...
But the comments about this deeper flute were different. People talked about crying, about releasing emotions, about feeling deeply at peace…
When these people listened to these deep, low, droning tones, just like me, they were connecting with that sympathetic, rest and reflect energy.
And the more you let that “rest and reflect” ‘operating system’ run the show, the more time you have to really, deeply consider your life, your calling, your gratitude for the blessings in your life…
After seeing people’s response, I didn’t simply want to play this flute, I knew I had to create a flute other people could play themselves.
So I decided to fix the issues I’d encountered previously and make a large Copper Flute that was accessible to as many people as possible.
And of course, in the Copper Flute tradition, I would not settle for anything less than a museum-quality work of functional art.
Creating this new Bass Copper Flute was a true challenge…
First, to create a two-part body with an airtight fit, I had to learn a special technique first used on armor in the Bronze Age.
Then the biggest issue, the finger spacing.
Large flutes have notoriously been off limits to all but the largest hands. The physics of a flute body make moving the finger holes around more or less “impossible”.
But then I stumbled across the notebook of a Renaissance Recorder builder from the 1500’s who faced the same problem.
And after seeing his clever solution, I created small rings of different sizes that go inside the flute and change the shape of the vibrating air column in such a way that I’m able to move the holes closer together…
And that means people with medium size hands are now able to play what would otherwise be reserved for those with bear-size paws!
Then the biggest issue, the finger spacing.
Large flutes have notoriously been off limits to all but the largest hands. The physics of a flute body make moving the finger holes around more or less “impossible”.
But then I stumbled across the notebook of a Renaissance Recorder builder from the 1500’s who faced the same problem.
And after seeing his clever solution, I created small rings of different sizes that go inside the flute and change the shape of the vibrating air column in such a way that I’m able to move the holes closer together…
And that means people with medium size hands are now able to play what would otherwise be reserved for those with bear-size paws!

This printable finger-spacing chart can be found on the next page if you have smaller hands and are unsure if you can reach.
This printable finger-spacing chart can be found on the next page if you have smaller hands and are unsure if you can reach.
This printable finger-spacing chart can be found on the next page if you have smaller hands and are unsure if you can reach.
Still, there was the issue of volume. Physics says a lower note will sound lower in volume than a higher note...
But taking a few more creative techniques from the Renaissance Recorder notebook, I reworked my design to integrate the signature Copper Flute sound with a considerable volume increase.
And while it still performs best in intimate settings, the volume is significantly higher than every other low flute I owned.
Still, there was the issue of volume. Physics says a lower note will sound lower in volume than a higher note...
But taking a few more creative techniques from the Renaissance Recorder notebook, I reworked my design to integrate the signature Copper Flute sound with a considerable volume increase.
And while it still performs best in intimate settings, the volume is significantly higher than every other low flute I owned.

After many prototypes, trials and tests, I finally had the first official Bass F Copper Flute (a simple name, but a beautiful instrument).
Being such a large instrument, I designed a custom Air-Adaptor just for this new flute. This allows the flute to be held in front of you, making the finger reach even easier.
When I finally played it for my friends, family, and the people around the world who have followed along on this journey on social media…
The response was immediate. When I offered the first Bass F Copper Flutes for sale to the public, they sold out within an hour.
And over the next month, the following 26 Bass F Copper Flutes were lovingly received around the world.
Being such a large instrument, I designed a custom Air-Adaptor just for this new flute. This allows the flute to be held in front of you, making the finger reach even easier.
When I finally played it for my friends, family, and the people around the world who have followed along on this journey on social media…
The response was immediate. When I offered the first Bass F Copper Flutes for sale to the public, they sold out within an hour.
And over the next month, the following 26 Bass F Copper Flutes were lovingly received around the world.
One thing I noticed? More than any other Copper Flute, the Bass F has been predominately ordered by either film composers or… Sound Healers.
I had a few of these Sound Healers tell me that they would cover all the holes on their Bass F and simply exhale long, sorrowful notes in class.
These deep notes would work their magic, initiating powerful responses from attendees, outpourings of emotions, and people releasing things they’d been holding onto far too long…
And in the past year since I made the last Bass F Copper Flute, it has been the MOST REQUESTED flute by Sound Healers BY FAR.
Now this may sound odd, but I’ve respectfully turned down these requests over the past 12 months, and the last Bass F was made and sold almost a year ago.
So why haven’t I made any more?
I had a few of these Sound Healers tell me that they would cover all the holes on their Bass F and simply exhale long, sorrowful notes in class.
These deep notes would work their magic, initiating powerful responses from attendees, outpourings of emotions, and people releasing things they’d been holding onto far too long…
And in the past year since I made the last Bass F Copper Flute, it has been the MOST REQUESTED flute by Sound Healers BY FAR.
Now this may sound odd, but I’ve respectfully turned down these requests over the past 12 months, and the last Bass F was made and sold almost a year ago.
So why haven’t I made any more?

The biggest reason is, in addition to being the largest and deepest flute I make, the Bass F is also the most involved, intricate, and complex flute I make as well.
The biggest reason is, in addition to being the largest and deepest flute I make, the Bass F is also the most involved, intricate, and complex flute I make as well.
Each of these flutes take the time of 3-4 of any other model I create in my workshop. That is in part because of my own attention to detail, but primarily because the process is so uniquely involved.
From using the metal lathe to hand polishing each copper accent… To the precision installation of the bore adjustments, the hand-hammering of each joint to ensure a perfect fit…
All of these take time and care to do with excellence, which is why, rather than cut any corners and make a version that was “less than perfect” throughout the past year…
I opted to wait until the time was right and give each Bass F Copper Flute my full attention.
Each of these flutes take the time of 3-4 of any other model I create in my workshop. That is in part because of my own attention to detail, but primarily because the process is so uniquely involved.
From using the metal lathe to hand polishing each copper accent… To the precision installation of the bore adjustments, the hand-hammering of each joint to ensure a perfect fit…
All of these take time and care to do with excellence, which is why, rather than cut any corners and make a version that was “less than perfect” throughout the past year…
I opted to wait until the time was right and give each Bass F Copper Flute my full attention.
However, rather than make too few, as I won’t be making these again for quite some time…
I will make things a bit easier on myself and better for you as well…
This year, instead of making a set number of Bass F Copper Flutes ahead of time and risking making too few…
I’m letting you secure your own Bass F Copper Flute while I have the order form open this week at a very special price.
After this, I will begin working on this limited edition run, and each hand-crafted Bass F Copper Flute will be mailed from my workshop the first week of October.
Why do it this way, and why offer a discount? Well, in this day and age of Amazon next-day delivery, I know it isn’t easy to order something and wait a few weeks for it to be crafted by an artisan…
So to reward you for ordering today and enjoying your time as your own personal creation is forged from the elements…
I will make things a bit easier on myself and better for you as well…
This year, instead of making a set number of Bass F Copper Flutes ahead of time and risking making too few…
I’m letting you secure your own Bass F Copper Flute while I have the order form open this week at a very special price.
After this, I will begin working on this limited edition run, and each hand-crafted Bass F Copper Flute will be mailed from my workshop the first week of October.
Why do it this way, and why offer a discount? Well, in this day and age of Amazon next-day delivery, I know it isn’t easy to order something and wait a few weeks for it to be crafted by an artisan…
So to reward you for ordering today and enjoying your time as your own personal creation is forged from the elements…

I’m taking $100 off the sale price from last year.
So instead of $950, when you order below, you will only pay $850.
I'm doing this to help bring more DEEP music to the right people, a fitting choice for Autumn… So if that is you and you feel called to own a Bass F Copper Flute, don’t hesitate.
I will be closing this order page in the next couple days becauseI will need to get started building these beautiful creations to have them finished in time.
I am making this year’s Bass F Copper Flutes as a series, entitled, “Deep Ocean Power”.

Each will feature the exclusive Deep Ocean Power patina, and will be individually numbered (in the order orders are received) and will include a signed and stamped certificate of authenticity.

This is truly the most heart-felt, soul-stirring flute I make, so if you are looking to create deep, powerful tones with the simple exhale of your breath, this is the right choice for you.
This is truly the most heart-felt, soul-stirring flute I make, so if you are looking to create deep, powerful tones with the simple exhale of your breath, this is the right choice for you.
This is truly the most heart-felt, soul-stirring flute I make, so if you are looking to create deep, powerful tones with the simple exhale of your breath, this is the right choice for you.

Go ahead, order your Deep Ocean Power Bass F Copper Flute below.
Go ahead, order your Deep Ocean Power Bass F Copper Flute below.
May your day be full of music,
P.S. If you feel this is right for you, trust to your intuition... And speaking of trusting one’s intuition, I didn’t mention the ending of our friend Orpheus’ story.
Hades did let him and his wife go, under the condition that Orpheus not look back until he was out of the Underworld. You can guess what happened. Rather than trust his intuition, which said “don’t look back, keep going”, he succumbed to his own doubt and it changed his life forever…
One of the MOST POWERFUL tools you have is your intuition!
May your day be full of music,
P.S. If you feel this is right for you, trust to your intuition... And speaking of trusting one’s intuition, I didn’t mention the ending of our friend Orpheus’ story.
Hades did let him and his wife go, under the condition that Orpheus not look back until he was out of the Underworld. You can guess what happened. Rather than trust his intuition, which said “don’t look back, keep going”, he succumbed to his own doubt and it changed his life forever…
One of the MOST POWERFUL tools you have is your intuition!
Playing The BASS F Copper Flute
Playing The
BASS F Copper Flute
Have more questions? Click over to the next page where I have a video going over things like finger-reach, and more!
Have more questions? Click over to the next page where I have a video going over things like finger-reach, and more!